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Who we are

Circular Sea is an ambitious startup that aims to disrupt the fishing industry. We believe it is entirely possible to produce seafood that  doesn't cost the earth. By combining several innovations into new technologies we have created a new method of land based aquaculture that focuses on waste minimisation through a focus on circular design, animal welfare, and premium quality products.

Fishing Net

The Oceans are in Crisis

Every minute today, 5 million fish will be caught, and 40% of those will be thrown back dead, as bycatch.

Every minute today, 27 football fields of forest will be lost, but 4,500 football fields of seabed will be lost from bottom trawling.

In 2018, the UN Secretary General Special Envoy for the Ocean stated:

"If we carry on as we currently do, 90% of the fish in the ocean will be gone by 2050."

Almost all would agree this is an absolute tragedy, so where is the outcry? The reality is this damage is out of sight, and unfortunately it is therefore out of mind.

Modern fish production is one of the most destructive practices on the planet, and needs to change.

So, we decided to change it.

Embracing Circularity

Standard fish farming is wasteful, and incredibly damaging to the local environment.

Circular Sea is an innovative aquaculture start-up that seeks to disrupt the traditional methods of salmon rearing. By combining two production philosophies, recirculating land-based aquaculture (RAS) with integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA), Circular Sea can grow several types of seafood at the same time with reduced operational costs and far less environmental impact. This will yield high-quality seafood with an excellent nutritional profile, free from pollution and without the negative impacts of traditional wild fishing and ocean-based aquaculture.

Trees From Above


For general, media, and partnership inquiries:
Or connect with us on LinkedIn!

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©2022-2024 Circular Sea Limited

Circular Sea Limited is registered in England and Wales.

Companies House registration no: 14249436


Farm491 Rural Innovation Centre

Royal Agricultural University



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